For over six decades St. Anthony’s, an organization that provides support for those living in poverty, has opened its doors to San Franciscan’s in need of help. Offering a daily stream of hot meals, clean clothes, and a supportive community, St. Anthony’s represents the best sense of volunteerism. What first started as a dining room has evolved into a myriad of programs to more fully support those in need.
St. Anthony’s knows what it takes to get people back on their feet. They serve 40% of all free meals in San Francisco, which comes out to 3,000 meals a day. However St. Anthony’s is much more than a dining room, and by opening the Tenderloin’s only free technology center, they have taken another step towards bridging the digital divide afflicting the city’s homeless population. San Francisco has quickly become the epicenter of the tech universe, and being able to flourish in this city now requires a certain degree of tech literacy.
The success of this program is tangible, and over 100 homeless and low-income people use the center every day to build employment skills. The power of technology is vast, and in addition to the job-training component of the program, St. Anthony’s is also working with developers to harness technology to blunt the challenges the homeless face.
As Thanksgiving approaches, we at CALinnovates want to highlight an organization that truly embodies the spirit of giving. By serving as a refuge to San Franciscans in need, St. Anthony’s understands what it means to give back. We invite you to check out the great work St. Anthony’s does, and volunteer if you have the chance.
To those spending time with family and friends as well as those seeking respite, a warm meal and a helping hand at St. Anthony’s and elsewhere, we wish you a happy Thanksgiving.